8 Department of Defense Cyber Strategy: My Impression


     As of April 2015, we continue to see ongoing interest in building up defenses again cyber-attacks both domestic and foreign in nature.  This is a breath of fresh air for those of us who keep abreast of threats and potential threats to our national network infrastructure.  What’s even more of a “relief” is that there is an actual document, produced by the Department of Defense, which outlines measures and areas of concern in regards to our cyber strategy.  No longer are we left wondering about who is taking lead on this ever growing concern not just on a national, but global scale as well.
     This 42 page report outlines goals, objectives, and strategy management.  Perusing through the contents I came upon one of the more interesting tenets of the report, goal III, the preparation of defenses of the U.S. homeland and vital interests from disruptive or destructive cyber attacks of significance consequence.  The goal is to work closely with inter-agency partners and the private sector in order to deter and/or defeat any type of significant cyber-attack.  I found this one interesting because it states how the U.S. and it’s partners plan on defending against external threats that seek to cause havoc among us here at home.
     Another section of the report that makes transparent the DoD’s commitment to collaboration is Goal V.  One of the more important things to consider after threats have been mitigated, is the continued collaboration among parties to ensure that threats don’t come back.  This goal addresses that perfectly by building partnerships with allies and partner agencies.
     In all, the strategy is sound and from what I can see, it’s only challenge will be the implementation of it.  If all partners and all related agencies “buy in” to the strategy, there should be no reason as to why it can’t work.  Only time will tell.


U.S Department of Defense. (2015, April). The DoD Cyber Strategy. Retrieved from www.defense.gov: https://www.defense.gov/Portals/1/features/2015/0415_cyber-strategy/Final_2015_DoD_CYBER_STRATEGY_for_web.pdf



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